Mandala Art
Coloring Book
I created this Mandala Art Coloring Book as a meditation tool when I lived in St. Petersburg, Florida–along with greeting cards and other items to sell at craft fairs–in 1989!! Always the pioneer!!
There are six designs on 8”x8” heavy gloss white paper, an introduction page and a blank page for when you are ready to create your own mandala design then color it. It begins:
The idea for this coloring book and the mandala designs were channeled through me by Anowhahey*, Ascended Master, Brother of the Light, to give to you, the Seeker, as an aid to achieving higher consciousness. Mandalas have been used throughout the Ages of Man by many different cutures for various purposes. Symbols have the power to impress meaning on the subconscious mind and influence the consciousness; however, it is the intent behind their use, not the symbols themselves, that determine their essence. These mandalas are intended to reinforce feelings, sometimes deeply buried, of love and joy, and to help you reach that place of inner stillness where your wisdom waits patiently for you to Seek, Knock and Ask for guidance.
The text concludes with a meditation exercise and suggested soundstreams to activate your spiritual centers and stimulate your creativity.
May you walk in the Light and find Peace and Joy on your Path!
*You’ll find Anowhahey in my ebook Sitting in the Lotus Blossom
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While looking through old boxes of my stuff recently, I found five copies of my Mandala Art Coloring Book!
Back in the day, I sold them for $8.95… considering inflation, that would be $20.14 in today’s dollars!! Email Diane if you’d like to make a bid on one of these numbered and signed 1st edition 1989 meditation coloring books.
Below are the six designs included
Suggest coloring with Sharpies
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