The Path to Peace & Joy
a practical meditation
Diane has been practicing and teaching meditation for over 40 years. She studied the works of the great masters on earth and communicated with the wisdom teachers of ancient times in the Hall of Knowledge during her Near-Death Experience in 1971.
Whether you just need to manage your stress or you’re seeking enlightenment, this little ebook will start you on a life-changing path to peace and joy!
The information contained in this book was available on her web site for 20 years. Now it is available in ebook form.
This practice synthesizes meditation with clearing the Chakras and Kundalini Yoga for people seeking an easy to learn, practical approach to incorporating meditation into their busy lives.
For those who want to go further on their spiritual path, you’ll find information and exercises to accelerate the process leading to higher consciousness and union with The Divine.
Available at
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Watch video of Diane reading the chapter about
Chakras and Kundalini Energy